Ayesha Raja
2 min readDec 31, 2020


Eat that Frog with Pomodoro

Time takes it all, whether you want it to or not. Stephen King, The Green Mile .

Its been four weeks in Amal fellowship program ,things were challenging but I was managing everything smoothly .And then in project 4 they assign us the task of time management. I Know most people are good at managing their time and a lot more productive. Well as for me I suck at managing my time and always getting in trouble for this habit. So you guys can guess this blog is hard for to write But hey ! Remember the Amal Totka :getting out of your comfort Zone well ! here I am with one step outside.

So, what is “Pomodoro” when I googled the word I found out its a Italian word for tomato. Now tomato and time management? I mean how are they even related ! Again I googled it but this time I searched as” Pomodoro Technique” “(ha ha).The Pomodoro Technique is a formula that helps you in time management. This technique was developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals/chunks traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. These intervals are called Pomodoro, the plural in English of the Italian word Pomodoro (tomato),Francesco Cirillo named it after his tomato -shaped kitchen timer. I have habit of starting my task at the last hour and finishing it all at once so, lets see if this technique can help a procrastinator

Well it was difficult at first as working at last hour you don't take breaks .I divided my tasks for each day and while completing that task you take breaks/intervals and this routine was so !new to me.

The Pomodoro techniques

The Final Verdict:

I was amazed to see the outcomes of this technique. Before this, I spend my 5–6 hours focusing on to complete my task before deadline there was panic ,headache just focusing on getting things done .But after following the techniques and taking breaks i felt light, no distractions, no panic and I actually submitted my work with quality . Seeing the fruitful results I decided to make this technique part of my habit.

Thank you Amal for introducing me to this amazing technique !

